Leading from experiment 1's textures and some discussion with Chris during the tute i realised the textures came more naturally to you once you relaxed and drew what came to you rather than drawing for the sake of obtaining the textures. 36 textures previously felt like a lifetime to draw and brainstorm but once I started enjoying the process of developing, I found myself spending much more time on this part of the assignment that I originally had planned to. Here are some my favourites which i drew, many of which were inspired from the idea of the growth of a snowflake.

For the light texture, I decided to apply it to the main walkway into my light rail as it is a soft and inviting texture which has lines in various directions which allows a sense of direction, and as you can see as the tiles split into several smaller tiles on the concrete, the texture helps encourage the user to disperse away from the busy entrance. Furthermore, as you walk on the main walkway you pass by the mirror sculptures which cause change in perspective as you transition from outside to inside.
The medium texture I felt is what encompassed my theme of multiculturalism and electroliquid "activity influences the change in perspective" the most. I felt it deserved the right to feature on the ellipse wall frame as a reminder of the diversity and irregularity of the light rail stop which is emphasised by the strong vibrant colours on the roof top.
Finally, for my dark texture I applied it to the roof because the roof serves the importance for sheltering, and is unique because the underside is made of mirror so that the user experiences an interesting exit path when they look forwards or upwards, linking with the idea that the activity of transitioning to the exit and interacting with the ceiling brings about new perspectives.
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