Tuesday, 24 May 2016



My bridge is is built upon the concepts which were explored in my mash up. Although all of the articles didn't link together exactly, what i took away from it was that architecture should promote communities and should make some sort of an impact on the environment around it as much as the people. For my first moving element i decided to make a simply moving window frame which allows the blocking of the strong northerly winds which blow down campus. It adds to the bridge's ability to interchange between half building and half bridge, providing shelter to wind and rain.

My second moving element incorporates the major lecture hub which faces the facade of Anzac Parade. The moving parts allows for the lecturer to control lighting, and whilst you may think that that is already possible with indoor lecture theaters, the difference is that this natural lighting with the sun rising from east to west means that the lecture is given the opportunity to also control the ambiance of the theater.

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